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Mentoria de Aprendizado e Interação Solidária

Do you wish to learn MORE?

Are you seeking new and engaging content? Do you aim to join Summer Programs? What about some help in your studies for Math Olympiads?


There's something for everyone to enjoy, so start browsing right now!

Learn MORE about unconventional topics related to Math, Physics, and Chemistry!

A special highlight for video classes focused on Mathematics Olympics!

Including seminars and classes from Summer Programs in Yale and Michigan!

Learn MORE about Programming and Designing apps!

Including Python, Arduino, CAD, Lego Mindstorms, and Scratch!

Learn MORE about the required engineering skills!

Including Practices and Activities that enhance Group and Leadership skills!

Based on the Summer Engineering Programs at Michigan and Yale.

Learn MORE about Astronomy and Astrophysics subjects!

Topics include Seminars and Lectures from a Summer Program at Yale, as well as a "TED Talk" about Dark Matter!


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Members can access more content and have a unique experience!

Mentoring included: in which we seek to assist members through direct contact with MAIS Team.

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